The Wellington Hills Sports Complex? No, it's NOT a done deal!

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Is the bottom layers of sand still contaminated or not?

I don't have a decoder ring or a spy's stealthiness to determine what the plan is for the property at 240th St SE and Route 9 ... But I do have a REAL QUESTION - one that hasn't  been answered.

Perhaps 15-20 years - long before the concrete block wall and the fill dirt behind it ... when the corner property was level with the railroad tracks  ...  This location had contaminated soil (and, no, I don't know what the contamination was - a few old timers say it was an illegal dump site, others guess chemical waste had been poured on the ground). Supposedly the contaminated soil was dealt with - but as far I can determine, whatever did happen - it's now difficult getting information.

Anyway, my question is: Was the contaminated soil removed or simply covered over by all the dirt and sand that's currently be dug out and mounded  higher up at the Primus building level?

photo by Bill Stankus

3:40 PM May 20, 2014

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