The Wellington Hills Sports Complex? No, it's NOT a done deal!

Monday, November 4, 2013

The difference

I've listened to and read almost everything Snohomish County's Department of Parks has said or written about Wellington Hills Parks ...

From the initial public meeting when they sprang their Regional Sports Complex Plan on the neighborhood with, "Trust us*, you'll like what we're doing" and the classic, "It's a done deal" ... to all the County Council meetings when Wellington Hills Park is discussed as if it's just another commodity and land development deal ... 

And with those development schemes comes an imperial indifference for the people who live in the Woodinville neighborhood of South Snohomish County ...

I've attempted to see what they see, to understand their bureaucratic agendas and all I can come up with is they must be suffering from extreme myopia and a bad case of bulldozeritis.

I think this is how the Snohomish County's Department of Parks sees Wellington Hills Park.

* said the spider to the fly ...

photos by  Bill Stankus
November 2013